Listed below are brief descriptions of all of the services Readex offers. When you find something that interests you, simply click on the icon following the service description and you’ll be taken to the supporting web page. There you will also find a “Contact us” button that you can use to request more information or set up a conversation.
Effectiveness Studies
Four different options to consider, with each option providing different survey content and price points. Great for talking about what is important to advertisers, their ads and messaging.
Content and Communication Audit
Gain further insights on the information needs and wants of your user and subscribers.
Credit Union Member Survey
Stay connected and on top of what your members value in their relationship with you.
Mail and Paper Surveys
A full array of services to help you field and process mail and paper surveys.
Media Usage
A great research package aimed at illustrating the value of using print, in-person and digital channels as part of the media mix.
Member Needs and Experience
Insights that drive understanding and retention of your most valued asset.
Planning to Buy Study
Show how your brand represents a market that is active and involved in the purchase process.
Product Mailing Services
Need a product mailed to support your survey research project? We can help.
State of the Industry
Enhance your position as the industry leader with business intelligence that is unique, door-opening and ripe for content usage. Find out where your audience thinks business is headed, spending plans, hiring needs and more.
User and Subscriber Profile
Sell the value of the market your product represents by having research that profiles your subscribers and users. Helps answer the question: “Why should I advertise with you?”
Sponsored Research
A new way to help make industry research come true. A win-win for all participants.